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Here's What Happens Next:

I just sent you an email that contains a link to your download

Please check your email now for an email with the subject "Welcome to A.I for moms" and use the provided credentials to get instant access to the materials.

If you don't see the email, check your junk and spam folders 🙂

Step 1: Check your email

Head over to your email account to check your inbox

Step 2: Find our email

Look for an email with subject "Welcome to A.I for moms"

Step 3: Mark as not spam

Add our email address as 1 of your contacts, and mark it as not spam so that you won't miss important emails!

Your Order Summary

If you need any further help with your purchases, please reach out to our team anytime on support@aiincomeformoms.com and we'll be happy to help you further

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